Two Long Term Problems : Too Many People, Too Few Trees

Unit 2: Ecology and Change

Two Long Term Problems : Too Many People, Too Few Trees

Moti Nissani

Two Long Term Problems : Too Many People, Too Few Trees Summary

The essay ‘Two Long-term Problems: Too Many People, Too Few Trees’ is about the burning problems as faced by the world in modern civilization. It is written by an eminent scholar, Moti Nissani, which was written for the Heritage of Words particularly. This essay provides a brief introduction to the twin problems of overpopulation and deforestation. In addition to them, some other problems such as soil erosion, desertification, extinction of species, global environmental decline, ozone layer depletion, acid rain, greenhouse effect, etc. are some of the interrelated aspects of modern civilization. Noble prize winners and scientists of the world have expressed their concerns about such a state of the biosphere. They are of the opinion that human activities inflict damage on the environment and resources. If the collision between human society and the natural world is not avoided, there will be a dark future for mankind. People will suffer from cancer, asthma, premature hearing loss, fear about poisons in food and water, etc. Our activities are responsible for the degradation around.

The writer limits himself to two major challenges: overpopulation and deforestation. They are interrelated. In the past, there was a balance between the birth rate and death rate. However, the situation began to change with the advances in nutrition, sanitation, and health. Consequently, people live longer than before. For this reason, the balance between deaths and births is significantly disturbed. This results in the rapid growth of the human population. For instance, Nepal’s population was only nine million in 1951. Now it has reached 23 million. If the same growth rate continues, it will reach 46 million by the year 2026 A.D. It is obvious that overpopulation is connected with deforestation. The increased number of people start destroying the forest for the cultivated land. Because of this reason, thousands of trees have been felled down in the third world including Nepal. In addition to overpopulation, there are many factors that are found to be responsible for deforestation. For instance, because of the love for hamburgers in the western part of the world, a large portion of the tropical rain forests is being cleared and converted into pastures. In the same way, for the production of newspapers all over the world, many trees are felled down. Moreover, pollution, tourism, construction of houses and factories are causing deforestation on large scale.

This kind of destruction will have an adverse effect on society. It contributes to the greenhouse effect, loss of species, landslides, soil erosion, weather extremes, etc. Consequently, they damage the quality of life on earth and hamper the ability of the biosphere to sustain life. In order to take hold of the future, the process of deforestation should be reversed. For that, population pressure on forests is to be eased. Participatory democracies and economic sufficiency should be attained. The efficiency in the use of preserving the forests in a new style while motivating the people for massive tree plantation. At the same time, people should be made aware of the benefits of reforestation so that they can do their duty with great enthusiasm. Above all, we need the wisdom, courage, and compassion to make it a reality.

Two Long Term Problems : Too Many People, Too Few Trees Questions and Answers

Q.1 According to the writer, what’s wrong with treeless in Nepal ?

Ans: The writer expresses his concern about the deforestation crisis in Nepal. Showing the devastating effect of deforestation in Nepal, the writer makes us conscious of the importance of the preservation of forests. According to him, the destruction of forests in Nepal will cause soil erosion in every rainfall. The eroded soil will be deposited in the rivers making them shallow and gradually causing siltation of rivers and dams. After the deforestation, every heavy rainfall is likely to cause devastating floods in the plains of Nepal, India, and Bangladesh. The destruction of forests, in turn, contributes to the greenhouse effect which causes irreparable (that can’t be repaired) loss of many thousands of species of animals and plants, landslides, drought, and weather extremes. Therefore, besides causing serious floods in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh deforestation in Nepal, in the long run, will also damage the quality of life and the ability of the Biosphere to sustain life.

Q.2 What remedial measures does the writer suggest to overcome (solve) them ?

Ans: The writer discusses overpopulation and deforestation with their severe consequences in the essay “Two long-term problems”. The writer suggests some crucial ideas for overcoming them. However the situation can be improved by controlling population and pollution, many factors such as modernization, effective family planning measures equal economic, educational and legal opportunities to women will help to control the rapid population growth. In order to set this world for our future generation, we must save forests by reducing population pressure on them through effective family planning measures and educating people. We may also save the forest by making effective and strict laws with a provision to impose a high tax on wood products and a provision of incentives for preserving the forest. There should be a provision in the law to punish severely for destroying forests. Massive reforestation, another effective step will benefit the world in conserving biodiversity, pristine wildness, and minimizing desertification, flood, and weather extremes. By controlling the population and saving forests, we may solve this planet for our future generation utilizing our knowledge to convert our wisdom, courage, and passion into practice to turn this world into heaven.

Q.3 What prime (main) problems does the writer discuss in his essay ?


What remedial measures does the writer suggest to overcome (solve) them ?

Ans: The writer discusses overpopulation and deforestation with their severe consequences in the essay, ‘Two Long Term Problems: Too Many People, Too Few Trees’. The writer suggested overcoming them. However the situation could be improved by controlling population and pollution, many factors such as modernization, effective family planning measures equal economic, educational and legal opportunities to women will help to control the rapid population growth. In order to set this world for our future generation, we must save forests by reducing population pressure on them through effective family planning measures and educating people. We may also save the forest by making effective and strict laws with a provision to impose a high tax on wood products and a provision of incentives for pressuring the forest. There should be a provision in the law to punish severely for destroying forests. Massive reforestation, another effective step will benefit the world in conserving biodiversity, pristine wildness and minimizing desertification, flood, and weather extremes. By controlling the population and saving forests, we may solve this planet for our future generation utilizing our knowledge to convert our wisdom, courage and passion into practice to turn this world into heaven.

Q.4 What is wrong with Nissani’s view of treeless in Nepal ?


According to the writer, what’s wrong with treeless in Nepal ?

Ans: The writer expresses his concern about the deforestation crisis in Nepal. Showing the devastating effect of deforestation in Nepal, the writer makes us conscious of the importance of the preservation of forest. According to him, the destruction of forests in Nepal will cause soil erosion in every rainfall. The eroded soil will be deposited in the rivers making them shallow and gradually causing siltation of rivers and dams. After the deforestation, every heavy rainfall is likely to cause devastating floods in the plains of Nepal, India, and Bangladesh. The destruction of forests in turn contributes to the greenhouse effect irresponsible (that can’t be repaired) loss of many thousands of species of animals and plants, landslides, drought, and weather extremes. Therefore, besides causing serious floods in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh deforestation in Nepal, in the long run, will also damage the quality of life and the ability of the Biosphere to sustain life.

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